To find a secure, trustworthy and reasonable daycare can be a challenging task for parents. Daycare for a child is initial for positive growth and to have a comfortable life. Especially in Australia daycare can be a bit expensive when compared to other countries. Parents need to spend almost around $7500 to get a good quality daycare. If you’re a working parent then the main task for you is to find a proper daycare for your child and to do so you need to ensure that what type of facilities you’re looking for. There are various types of Daycare organisations in Queanbeyan which can offer a number of services according to your need. These are few names for you to know more about daycare:

Long day care

If you’re a working parent who works 9 to 5 daily then this can be your best option. These daycare offer services start from 6 am to 6pm and charge generally for half day or full day sessions. Unlike other baby care options, this is especially for working parents.

Family day care

As the name suggests this type of day care services are controlled by families. They can take care of up to 7 children generally but the majority should be in pre-school or above. Family day care is a comparatively cheaper option than others because it is run by normal families around the city. If you want your child to have a family environment in your absence then this is just the place for you.

Au Pair

I personally prefer this type of daycare option. If you’re aware with au pair then you may know that these are overseas people who come to live in your city for 10 to 12 months. They’re more cost-effective for those who have more than one child. These pairs live with you and take care of your child, their charge can vary from $250 – $350 per week. These pairs are good to go but the only problem is that they’ll eventually move on and you need to find another one.

Vacation care

So, your kid is in school and you are afraid of their vacations then this can be just the right option for you. Most of these vacation cares are run by the daycare centers. Vacation care offers services similar to daycare but you may have to pack a lunch for your kid. In Queanbeyan, child educators charge for vacation care around $50 – $99 per day.

All of these child care services can increase your financial load heavily but the Australian government allows child care rebate to ensure quality child care services for those parents who are worried about the cost. You can get up to 50% rebate in total cost, you just need to register and get the CRN number for your children. If you’re paying around $100 per day then with the help of this rebate facility it’ll cost you around $50 which is not much considering the fact that these day care services are up to the mark in quality. So, if you’re considering Queanbeyan childcare centres, then just choose one from these services and relax.